Music review — Federal University of Bahia
Paulo Costa Lima
[email protected] – Universidade Federal da Bahia
The essays and statements in this section were produced as a response to the question below, concerning North/South relations in music. In the coming issues we will be accepting articles, essays or statements proposed as a continuation of the present discussion, reflecting upon its political relevance and exposing its many sides and consequences for the fields of Music Theory and Musicology, leading no doubt, to the creation of new questions and theoretical problems:
What are the perspectives of this asymmetrical reality, inherited from colonialism, in which theory (as a rule) is produced in the North and absorbed by the South, where it assumes many distinct functions, without nevertheless changing the nature and direction of the circuit, promoting a considerable ‘waste of experience’? Thus: what are the signs, the traces, the exemplary cases, dialogues and pathways that in some way respond to the political and theoretical challenge of transformation, making it possible to visualize, or at least to imagine, another reality?