Score: RaW — Duo for flute and piano
Danniel Ferraz – [email protected]
Universidade Federal da Bahia
RaW is a piece for flute and piano that intents to redeem the rawness of structure.
It’s based on the concepts of a traditional octatonic scale (and its derivations). The scale’s whole structure is reduced to the most basic intervals, exhibiting the simplest elements of intervallic vectors gradually, although not isolatedly. Alongside the progressive presentation of a target sonority comes the making of momentary sonorities that add up to the final mark.
Another ideas of development in the piece are the breathe-like gestures that are conceived by its own decay and energy. Thus, its moments of quieting are, perforce, moments with great prospect for outbursts. RaW holds willfully some afflatus regarding Boulez’s Sonatine pour Flûte et Piano and its aggressive quality which never lets up until the conclusion of the piece.